Prayer Request?

Calvary Chapel believes that prayer is essential and necessary for our Christian walk.  So, we offer this online Prayer Chain. If you have a prayer request, you can submit it via e-mail. Also, if you are a part of the Prayer Chain, you can also receive emails from other members of our fellowship so you can pray for others as well!

Need Prayer?                  

Church Office (757) 220-8400

• E-Mail: E-mail your request here (Please Indicate "Prayer Request" on Subject Line)

• Face to Face Prayer: 0ur Pastors, Staff, & Team Leaders are available before/after Sunday & Midweek services

• Submit a Prayer Card (Located at the Information table in the Foyer)


Tomorrow morning my Grandma is having surgery to have a tube put into her lungs to have a way to remove fluid build up. She was recently diagnosed with stage four cancer and our prayer is that this procedure will improve her quality of life. We are praying the the surgery goes well and that she has not complication or infections.


for my sister Miranda who is an alcoholic and she needs the prayer to kick her addiction


Please pray for my friend Maria. She had trigeminal neuralgia, and right now the nerve pain is excruciating. She doesn’t know how she can go on living. Please pray for her. Thank you so much.


My family and I need urgent prayer. We are disabled. Please pray God would protect us, vindicate us completely, and give us our health back so we can have an income and get out of a very bad situation.


Dear Father in heaven, Hilary Stanislas will be going for a CT scan of his heart tomorrow, Monday January 13, 2025. Help his heart to me normal and that the doctor will not find anything wrong and all will be well with Hilary, in the name that is above all names Jesus Christ. Amen