Prayer Request?

Calvary Chapel believes that prayer is essential and necessary for our Christian walk.  So, we offer this online Prayer Chain. If you have a prayer request, you can submit it via e-mail. Also, if you are a part of the Prayer Chain, you can also receive emails from other members of our fellowship so you can pray for others as well!

Need Prayer?                  

Church Office (757) 220-8400

• E-Mail: E-mail your request here (Please Indicate "Prayer Request" on Subject Line)

• Face to Face Prayer: 0ur Pastors, Staff, & Team Leaders are available before/after Sunday & Midweek services

• Submit a Prayer Card (Located at the Information table in the Foyer)


Please pray if it's God will I would be led to a new job. Pray my depression would trun to joy of the Lord, confessing sin, and forgiving those who hurt me by words or action.


Very Urgent-please pray for my wife who is experiencing severe depression, loss of sleep & other pressures due to injuries I’ve recently suffered and her care for me. She wants to give up. We are believers but we both desperately request prayer. Thank you prayer warriors! We were saved years ago at CC San Diego.


My family and I are going through the hardest and most stressful times of our lives and they never let up. It's been years of this. And I honestly don't have the support I need at all. I can't take this. I need God to do something. Please pray for us.


Healing from negative thoughts and emotions


Healing for health Good health Good days and protection