Prayer Request?

Calvary Chapel believes that prayer is essential and necessary for our Christian walk.  So, we offer this online Prayer Chain. If you have a prayer request, you can submit it via e-mail. Also, if you are a part of the Prayer Chain, you can also receive emails from other members of our fellowship so you can pray for others as well!

Need Prayer?                  

Church Office (757) 220-8400

• E-Mail: E-mail your request here (Please Indicate "Prayer Request" on Subject Line)

• Face to Face Prayer: 0ur Pastors, Staff, & Team Leaders are available before/after Sunday & Midweek services

• Submit a Prayer Card (Located at the Information table in the Foyer)


Prayer Confidential


I’m a new grad. Please pray for favor with leaders, endorsement papers to work. (to expedite processing) And successful civilian/military career.


I had a hearing for Social Security benefits and the judge will make the decision by mail. Prayer for a favorable decision.


Urgent…Please, please pray for my wife. She is extremely depressed and in much pain from a birth defect & recent fall which both severely affect her daily life. We are longtime believers and trust God for providing grace and healing for us all. We know it’s difficult, but please pray that she will focus more on the LORD than on her pain. She is a wonderful wife and mother…surely a gift from God! Thank you prayer warriors!


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord, please pray for me, I have heart problems and kidney problems, please pray for healing, been very weak, fatigue, hard time concentrating on things, and having a hard time to get good sleep. Please pray for healing for my health problems, also I would like prayer for my walk with our Lord Jesus Christ to get better, that I may be more faithful to Him. Thank you very much, God bless you all!